Triptych of late modernity Panel 1 The abduction of Venus by the hitmen of monotheism
Oil on canvas
95 x 135 cm
Triptych of late modernity, Panel 2 Epiphany of the household appliance. Apotheosis of industrial capitalism
Oil on canvas
95 x 135 cm
Triptych of late modernity Panel 3 Myth and reality of democracies. The Argentine case.
Oil on canvas
95 x 135 cm
Triptych of late modernity
Acrilic on canvas. 285 cms x 135 cms
To the teacher with care. Tribute to Velazquez
Oil and acrylic on wood. 200 x 135 cms.
Self-portrait with my inspiring muse. The legacy of the Greek world.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
200 x 100 cm
Our lady of glamor, protector of all dyed blondes.
Oil on canvas
95 x 135 cm
Our lady of the media scandal, patron saint of botineras, rising starlets and neighborhood dreamers.
Oil on canvas
95 x 135 cm
Our lady of the perpetual facelift, Indefatigable fighter against Cronos. Leader of the worshipers of the divine scalpel.
Oil on canvas
95 x 135 cm
Our Lady of forbidden desire. The rebirth of Venus in full inquisition.
Oil on canvas
95 x 135 cm
Our lady of the screens, creator of the selfie, protector of the irretrievable narcissist.
Oil on canvas
95 x 135 cm
The coronation of the tripartite Venus and the new world order.
Oil on canvas
95 x 135 cm
The triumphal return of Venus.
Oil and acrylic plot on vinyl
95 x 135 cm
Our Lady of Forbidden Desire and Eve's Judgment.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
95 x 135 cm
Venus's first return in a coven.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
100 x 100 cm
Venus disoriented in postmodernity.
Acrylic oil and plotted on vinyl.
100 x 100 cm
The Chase of Venus through the Red Sea.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
90 x 90 cm
Final scene of the opera "Venus is the promised land."
Oil and acrylic on canvas
90 x 90 cm
Venus in Hollywood.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
70 x 100 cm
The end of the ages. When barbie replaced Venus.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
80 x 100 cm
Any normal family has a little secret.
90 x 90 cms
Oil, acrilic on canvas 90 cms x 90 cms
The family grows and the secrets grow.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
90 x 90 cm
The weight of the story. Between mother and grandparents we were not educated very well.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
90 x 90 cm
There is a face for every occasion.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
90 x 90 cm
The family reunited to distribute dividends.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
70 x 100 cm
As time goes by...the song remains the same.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
60 x 100 cm
Love is blind but quite imaginative.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
85 x 60 cm
At the door of the temple of pleasure.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
85 x 60 cm
Love trapped in the matrix
Oil and acrylic on canvas
85 x 60 cm
Men always want something more
Oil and acrylic on canvas
85 x 60 cm
First one thing and then the other.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
85 x 60 cm
This is what awaits you with men, my dear.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
85 x 60 cm
Venus in the neighborhood. The eros between the real, the symbolic and the imaginary.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
90 x 90 cm
Unmanageable forces also come from on high.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
90 x 90 cm
The area of my unconscious that overlooks the terrace.
Acrylic oil and plotted on vinyl
100 x 100 cm
In the theater of life you cannot just be a spectator.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
80 x 100 cm
In the new paradise Beatriz is Betty Page.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
100 x 100 cm
The eternally displaced desire.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
80 x 100 cm
Fear and trembling Between desire and guilt.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
80 x 100 cm
The mystery of spring.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
100 x 100 cm
The vain attempt to manage nature.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
80 x 100 cm
It will be forgiveness or a new expulsion.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
85 x 60 cm
Wherever you go I will find you. There is no escape for who believes in me.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
80 x 100 cm
Pyrrhic victory, the triumph of Hollywood.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
80 x 100 cm
Hollywood strikes again.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
60 x 100 cm
Hollywood sweeps everything. The exterminating saints and the return of the repressed.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
100 x 100 cm
Ulysses and the song of the sirens of modernity.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
85 x 60 cm
The warning of my muse.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
90 x 90 cm
The reunification of Venus.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
90 x 90 cm
Summer night Dream
Oil and acrylic on canvas
60 x 90 cm
Leda and the swan once more.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
100 x 100 cm
Eros and Psiqué. True love overcomes all difference.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
60 x 90 cm
The angel of love and the new founding myth
Oil and acrylic on canvas
90 x 90 cm
The night I painted the red carpet.
Oil and acrylic on canvas
70 x 100 cm
Vincent Marlowe solves the case of the kidnapping of the oriental beauty
Oil, acrilic on canvas. 85 x 60 cms
Vincent Marlowe solves the case of the self-sufficient virgin
Oil and acrylic on canvas
60 x 90 cm
Vincent Marlowe solves the case of the lonely woman
Oil and acrylic on canvas
60 x 90 cm
Vincent Marlowe discovers the secret of the couple of the year
Oil and acrylic on canvas
60 x 90 cm
We become what we eat?
Oil, acrilic on canvas
100 x 70 cm
Thus the world was created
Oil and acrylic on canvas
90 x 90 cm
Circe's return
Oil, acrilic on canvas
100 x 70 cm
Last descent of Venus and the crisis of monotheism.
Oil, acrilic on canvas
105 x 155 cm
La coronación de Venus
Técnica mixta sobre tela, 100 cmts x 150 cmts
Oleo y acrilico sobre lona . 120 cms x 120 cms
El hombre en la luna
Técnica mixta sobre tela. 100 x 70 cms.
El infierno hace agua
Técnica mixta sobre tela. 90 x 90 cmts
El paraiso equivocado
Técnica mixta sobre tela. 90 x 90 cmts
Matrimonio por conveniencia
Técnica mixta sobre tela. 90 x 90 cmts
Tarjeta roja en la final de Brandemburgo. La expulsión del paraíso como deporte olímpico
Técnica mixta sobre tela. 90 x 90 cms
Venus interrogada por los sicarios del monoteismo
Técnica mixta sobre tela, 90 x 90 cmts
Técnica mixta sobre tela. 90 x 90 cmts.
Wonderland tambien es un laberinto
4 paneles, técnica mixta sobre tela 180 cmts x 180cmts
Wonderland tambien es un laberinto, panel 4
Técnica mixta sobre tela. 90 cmts x 90 cmts.
Wonderland tambien es un laberinto, panel 2
Wonderland tambien es un laberinto, panel 3
Wonderland también es un laberinto, panel 1